"Hosanna in the highest!”
Do many people even know what they are saying? Hosanna is not a term of praise, it is a cry of desperation.
When Jesus entered Jerusalem and the crowds were yelling hosanna they were not saying "Jesus we think you're super cool! You deserve our highest praise!" What they were doing was desperately yelling "Save us! Save us!" They were hoping that Jesus would deliver them from the oppression of the Roman Empire.
As opposed to other terms of praise and adoration, Hosanna is a plea for help. But yet, what more appropriate term can we sing to God than to say "Help us! Save us!" Certainly, if you are God's child, born-again by The Spirit, united with Jesus, you do not need salvation. However we do need to be saved every day from temptations on the outside, and from sin within.
Outside of us are dangers,
Inside we have our own propensity to sin, to be distracted, we have our vices, are temptations. Perhaps we can honestly cry out to God as Augustine did: "A me, me salva Domine!" which means something like “Lord, save me from myself!"